Monday, July 12, 2010

The lugubrious fugleman gave birth to the herbaged adversary, or Muffin Tin Monday.

(grapes, Greek yogurt, blackberries, strawberry cream pretzels, dried cranberries, mixed nuts)

Here are the boys enjoying their snack:

Check out more muffin tin meals at Muffin Tin Mom.


Shannon said...

As usual, cute lunch & cute boys! :o)

I need to try Greek yogurt sometime, I keep reading about it, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

Claudia said...

Awesome, as usual! - Too bad you couldn't work chocolate chips in, though...

Unknown said...

Do they like the Greek yogurt? JDaniel loves yogurt. I tried the Greek and didn't reall like it.

LitLass said...

JDaniel4's Mom--They like it much better with honey or berries mixed in.